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Casey Kasemの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Casey Kasem very fast success!(Shaggy in Scooby Doo) - 2011年11月10日
Been a fan of Casey Kasem for a while now, so i was pretty happy to get a return from him. His autograph has been getting shakier. Sent:10/20/11 LOR,SASE Rec:10/31/11 signed pic in my SASE address:Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077 pic http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/imag0131px.jpg/

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Casey Kasem!!! - 2011年10月3日
On Sept. 23rd I mailed Mr. Kasem two Scooby Doo pics, a LOR, and SASE. Received back on Sept. 30th. My two pics, unsigned but he added a 8x10 glossy autographed. He had to address a larger envelope than the one I sent and add postage. Thought that was pretty cool! Address used: 138 N Mapleton Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90077

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Casey Kasem (Shaggy in Scooby Doo) Fast Success! - 2011年8月30日
On the 19th of August I sent Casey a LOR and SASE and today I received back a signed 8x10 photo! I loved Scooby Doo when I was younger and loved Shaggy! I sent to the address in the database and the photos are below! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

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Casey Kasem Success - 2011年8月11日
Sorry for the late posts i have only just got round to taking pictures. Sent: June 7th Received: June 28th Address used 138 N. Mapleton Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90077 USA Check Out the picture on my site here. Picture: 1 (he sent me this photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =133960327

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Casey Kasem Success - 2011年6月20日
Sent SAE to Casey back in late January, received May 5th. Comments on Authenticity are always welcome. Address used in DataBase - Here is the envelope it had his stamps on it but no return address -

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