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Casey Kasemの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

Casey Kasem Semi-Success - 2012年6月2日
Sent; LOR, 2 Trading cards in Toploader, SASE 5/22 To: Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA Received; Signed Head Shot 6/2 (11 days) I thought I would try Casey Kasem since I saw the lovely return that member Gerald72 got on his drawing http://www.fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?t=250864, unfortunately he did not sign my items and I received neither back nor my unused SASE. I only got the signed head shot that is sent out to those who send a LOR only. So i could have kept my items and still got this... - - Still a success

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Casey Kasem Success - 2012年5月22日
Casey is a phenomenal voice actor, and I have loved hearing his voice in various cartoons over the years. This is a great one for my collection! Sent: LOR on 5/9/2012 Received: 1 signed 8x10 photo on 5/21/2012 Address Used: Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA Photo: -

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Casey Kasem - 2012年5月11日
I sent a drawing to be autographed to Casey Kasem on April 24, 2012. It came back 13 days later: I used the address in the data base. Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA

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Casey Kasem Success - 2012年5月4日
Sent: 4/24/12 Rec: 5/3/12 Sent LOR to address in DB Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr Los Angeles, CA 90077-3536 USA -

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casey kasem success - 2012年4月20日
sent a photo of shaggy and a SASE to Casey Kasem 138 N. Mapleton Dr. Los Angeles,Ca 90077 -

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