Coronation Streetの直筆サイン入り写真 (35 / 58ページ):
Tony Hirst success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年6月9日 I sent a photo, letter and SAE to Tony as well as 12 others in one envelope on: 20th November 2012, and yesterday I recieved my photo back signed.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - |
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Tony Hirst success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年6月9日 I sent a photo from when I met him, letter and SAE to Tony as well as 12 others in one envelope on: 20th November 2012, and yesterday I recieved my photo back signed, plus a signed photo, signed on the back with note saying Sorry for the delay.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics: -
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Krissi Bohn Q+A success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年6月6日 I sent two seperate requests to Krissi, I sent a letter asking some questions, letter and SAE, and a signed photo request as well as 11 others in one envelope on: 20th November 2012, and today I recieved my Q+A back answered, along with a signed and personalized photo from her too, she sent my SAE back unused from my signed photo request too.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics:
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Stephanie Cole success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年6月5日 I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Stephanie as well as 5 others in one envelope on: 21st March 2013, and yesterday I recieved my photos back signed and personalized.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics: -
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Stephanie Cole success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年6月5日 I sent a photo from when I met her, letter and SAE to Stephanie it was after the the 5th March, but cant remember exact date, yesterday I recieved my photo back signed and personalized
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - | |
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