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Coronation Streetの直筆サイン入り写真 (39 / 58ページ):

Mark Eden Q+A success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年4月24日
I sent a letter asking some questions and SAE to Mark as well as 12 others in one envelope on: 4th January 2013, and on the 9th April 2013, I recieved my Q+A back with questions answered. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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Coronation Street Full Cast Fast Email Success! - 2013年4月5日
I'm such a huge fan of Corrie. Its my first ever autograph and I'm really pleased! I sent an email to viewerservices at itv dot com, and half an hour later recieved a reply saying the email had been forwarded to the production team. the next day a huge 8x10 package arrived! great quality and really pleased even though its a pp!!

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Brooke Vincent success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月30日
I sent a letter and SAE to Brooke as well as 9 others in one envelope on: 14th January 2013, and on Saturday I recieved this signed photo back from her. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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Patti Clare and Malcolm Hebden success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月28日
I sent a photo, letter and SAE addressed to both Patti and Malcolm as well as 4 others in one envelope on: 7th March 2013, and today I recieved my photo back signed by both Patti and Malcolm. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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Sam Aston success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月28日
I sent a letter and SAE to Sam as well as 6 others in one envelope on: 25th February 2013, and yesterday I recieved this signed photo back from him. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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