Coronation Streetの直筆サイン入り写真 (40 / 58ページ):
Paula Lane success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月28日 following my recent success/failure from her: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=287969&start=0
I resend the photo, letter and SAE to Paula as well as 9 others in one envelope on: 12th March 2013, and yesterday I recieved my photo back signed and personalized along with a signed photo too.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics: -
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Malcolm Hebden confirmation and thanks ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月25日 I sent some chocolates, sent as Thankyou on: 21st March 2013, and letter asking if he had recieved them, on Saturday I recieved a little note on my letter thanking me, and he included a signed photo too.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics: -
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Peter Gunn confirmation and thanks ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月20日 I sent some chocolates to Peter by Recorded Delivery on: 11th March 2013, along with letter and SAE asking if he recieved them, and today I recieved this signed cast card back from him, saying ta for the chocs.
address I used was:
Peter Gunn,
c/o Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - | |
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Lisa George success ( Coronation Street) plus Andrew Whyment - 2013年3月15日 I sent two seperate requests, one addressed just to Lisa with photo that wasn't signed on my previous request sent with 4 others, and one request addressed to Lisa and Andy Whyment sending a group photo, letter and SAE both requests sent on same day, 7th March 2013, and today I recieved both photos back signed, with the group one signed by both Andy and Lisa, both sent in the same SAE, with other SAE returned.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics:
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Malcolm Hebden success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月15日 I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Malcolm as well as 4 others in one envelope on: 7th March 2013, and today I recieved both my photos back signed and personalized as requsted
address I used was:
Malcolm Hebden,
c/o Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics: -
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