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Heather Morrisの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 6ページ):

Heather Morris success!! - 2014年3月21日
On 11/12/13 I sent a short LOR and two index cards to Heather Morris at the address listed in the database for Untitled Entertainment on S. Beverly Dr. not the usual GLEE address. This afternoon on 3/21/14 I got back an autograph in my own envelope, however I can't post a picture as I don't have a scanner. There was the typical Heather Morris address label on front though, so I'm fairly sure it's authentic! Approx. 128 days total wait time. This is my first big success in autograph collecting!! I had a hunch this week...

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Heather Morris succes! :D - 2013年12月4日
Sent: LOR + 2 photos Received: My 2 pictures + her own picture personalized and signed Adress used: The one in the database Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 This is my first request and a big success, I couldnt be happier! <img src= -

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Heather Morris success - 2013年11月13日
Sent on 05/01/2013: LOR + SAE + 5 photos To: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA Recieved on 11/13/2013 my 5 photos and letter in another envelope Photos: - -

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Heather Morris success! - 2013年11月9日
Sent: lor, sase, and index card about 2-3 months ago Received: her own 8x10 picture personalized and signed (but I think it is pp ) and standard fan letter with signature (authentic ?) Received today. Super happy Address used: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 -

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Heather Morris Success!! (Glee) - 2013年8月10日
Today I received autographs from Heather Morris! I sent two 8x10 photos, a LOR, and a SASE. She sent back one of my 8x10s, her own 4x6, and a signed letter in my SASE. Even though she didnt sign both of the photos I sent, Im really happy with this success! I LOVE her on Glee! Sent: 2/26/13 Received: 8/10/13 Photo: - (the photo was really big when I put it directly on this post so thats why I posted the link instead)

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