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Heather Morrisの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

AWESOME Glee Heather Morris (Brittany S. Pierce) Success!!! - 2012年4月4日
Today, I arrived home to find my Heather Morris SASE!!!! I sent to her on the 19th of December in America (I was on holidays over there) and received it today at my home is Australia. SO happy as I am a huge Brittany/Brittana/Glee fan! Sent: LOR and SASE Received: My SASE, a signed and personalised Glee season 3 promo pic, a VERY personalised letter and a piece of white cardboard This is my best success YET! Address: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/photoydq.jpg/ Letter: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/403/photozgg.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/photogwb.jpg/ I love you, He Mo!!!

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Heather Morris Success!!! - 2012年2月11日
I just got this back in the mail today, February 11, 2012. I went out to get the mail and saw HeMo on the envelope and started flipping out because I sent it in September and didnt know if I was gonna get anything back. I got a letter from her signed and a personalized photo back! I literally started crying because I got something like this back and because Im 13 so I get emotional haha!!! She got me back into dancing and I just luv her! Sent: September 24th, 2011 Recieved: February 11th, 2012 Address Used: 350 S. Beverly Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90212 The pictures of the letter and photo are in the links below: - -

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Heather Morris success - very sweet and personal! - 2012年2月10日
Im not sure if this is authentic or not, since Ive seen debates over her recent successes. I sent her the Brittana pic signed by Naya for her to sign - its a gift for my gf whos a huge Brittana shipper. This is actually great timing, as our anniversary is next week! She also included a funny note and her own Brittany pic. - - - -

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Heather Morris (Glee) - 2012年1月19日
I am an avid fan of glee and was so happy with this success I wrote Heather Morris sent LOR, 2 pics, SASE. Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA Mailed June, 2011 Recieved both pics signed plus personalized letter on Janurary 10, 2012. - - -

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Heather Morris Success! - 2011年12月16日
This is probably one of the coolest successes ive ever gotten! I dont even remember when I sent it, probably a good 3-4 months ago, but I remember that I sent a LOR only because I had ran out of stamps and wanted it to be sent out that day. Today I got back a handwritten note, signed photo and she even addressed the envelope herself and wrote brittany 4 president on the back! pics are beloww <img src= AHH so happy! <img src= She is so incredibly nice and my favorite on glee! - - - - I used the address in the database. 350 s beverly drive suite 200 beverly hills, ca 90212

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