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Heather Morrisの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 6ページ):

Heather Morris (Glee) SUCCESS!! - 2012年11月17日
Sent an 8x10 photo, a LOR, and a SASE to Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Drive Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA on 07/31/12 and received TWO photos and a letter back on 11/16/12! - - Letter with ENVELOPE: - So happy! Gonna frame these because just wow. :3

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Heather Morris!! 2nd success! - 2012年10月25日
Hey! My sister loves Hemo and she sent 2 or 3 pics, a lor in her own sae on April 17th. She used the address in database: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA she didn’t get her 3 photos, just one that she sent and another one that hemo sent. - -

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Heather Morris Success!!! - 2012年10月12日
Hey! I sent this around 5/20/12 and got it back today, 10/12/12 I used this address: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr, Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Here are some pictures <img src= - - -

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Heather Morris Glee! - 2012年7月31日
Sent LOR and SASE to Heather on June 1 2012. I received today the same promo photo and letter. address used: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S Beverly Drive suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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Heather Morris - Glee Success - 2012年7月12日
Today brought in Heather Morris from Glee. As well all now Heather plays Brittany. sent: March 2012 received: July 12, 2012 took: 5 months address used: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S Beverly Drive suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 -

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