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Heather Morrisの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Heather Morris (GLEE) Success! - 2012年6月26日
Sent: February 13, 2012 Received: June 20, 2012 I used the address in the database. <img src= PICS: http://amyautographs.webs.com/apps/phot ... =158793953 http://amyautographs.webs.com/apps/phot ... =158793954 http://amyautographs.webs.com/apps/phot ... =158793955 http://amyautographs.webs.com/apps/phot ... =158793956

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Glee Heather Morris - 2012年6月6日
Today Wednesday June 6th Glee Heather Morrison-Brittany She sent back my small Glee cardboard signed a picture signed with my name and a note Dear I'm sorry this took so long. I got lost trying to find the Post Office. My Mom just found me....Yea! MOM She's helping me now.... Thank you for the nice letter. And the delicious recipe. I love to cook and try new things. walking and hiking for exercise is my favorite Isn't my new friend pretty as a rainbow His name is Joshua, the Pegasus We like to tell secrets. Shhhhhhhh !!!! Have a great summer ! XOXO heart He MO in pink Do what you Love What you do Address: HEATHER MORRIS 350 S. BEVERLY DRIVE SUITE 200 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 Thanks Heather & Fanmail Biz I could not be more happier then what I all ready I'm Sorry no Scan

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Heather Morris (Glee) success!!!!!!! - 2012年6月1日
Finally i got my autograph!!! address i used: Heather Morris Untitled Entertainment 350 S. Beverly Dr. Suite 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA I sent a lor and my own pic on January 4th of this year. My pic: - Her own pic: - And the letter: -

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Actress Heather Morris Success!!! - 2012年5月22日
I sent the pic & SASE. Address: 350 S Beverly Dr Ste 200 Beverly Hills CA 90212 Sent - 2/3/12 Returned - 5/21/12 Picture - Letter sent back - I am really hoping this is real. Any idea?

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Heather Morris Success! - 2012年4月25日
Today, I received two photos and a letter in the mail, signed by Heather Morris who plays Brittany S. Pierce on GLEE. Since the autograph is fairly simple, I am unsure of the authenticity but its still nice to add her to my collection. The address I used was Heather Morris, 350 S. Beverly Drive, Sute 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. The request was sent on December 19, 2011 (128 days total). Here is the first photo: http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/4429 ... photo1.jpg Here is the second photo: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6517/h ... photo2.jpg Here is the letter: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3172 ... letter.jpg Here is the return envelope: http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/7438 ... velope.jpg Happy Hunting! - The Hancock Hunter (http://hancockhunter.blogspot.com/)

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