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Mark Hamillの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 8ページ):

Mark Hamill TTM success via fanclub - 2016年6月11日
International Mark Hamill Fan Club P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI. 48480 I heard that sometimes with the luck of the draw that you can get an actual signed and not stamped autograph of Mark's through his fan site. And YAY!!!! I lucked out. Yes its not personalized but unless you happen to meet in person I doubt you can get a real personalized autograph of Mark's. Very happy! Sent a SASE and LOR on: 1-20-16 Rec: 6-11-16

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Mark Hamill Pre-Signed Success!!! - 2016年5月12日
Today, I received a reply from Luke Skywalker himself... Mark Hamill!!! After sending to his home address, I received a pre-signed photo from his fan-club as well as the stock-standard letter from the director of his fan-club. Sent: 18th January 2016 Received: 12 May 2016 Sent: 1 photo, $3 USA, LOR, SAE. Received: 1 pre-signed photo, a letter, and my original photo returned. Photo: I'm absolutely ecstatic about getting a reply from my favourite actor/voice actor!!! Any thoughts on authenticity would be much appreciated! <img src=

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Mark Hamill AMAZING SUCCESS! - 2016年5月11日
Sent: 12 March 2016 I sent SASE + 2 photos Recieved: 9 May 2016 I received presigned photo, letter and my not signed photos ADDRESS USSED: P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA Mark Hamill aka Luke Skywaker in Star Wrs Picture: Any opinions? Is it original signature?

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Mark Hamill -success - 2016年5月7日
I am probably the happiest person alive today. I received Mark Hamil's autograph. Even though this is not the photo that I sent him, he actually pre-signed photos and I was fortunate enough to receive one. I used the address in the database and it took almost a year to receive a response. He is an amazing person and it's nice to know that some celebrities appreciate their fans.

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Mark Hamill RTS - 2016年3月19日
Sent LOR, SASE, and some photos to the Malibu address around 12/31/2015, received RTS, refused around 2/1/2016. http://surfmypictures.com/image/5aababc ... wg3gb.html

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