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Mark Hamillの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

Mark Hamill Success - 2015年11月24日
Sent a letter of appreciation and SASE along with a cool 8x10 out to Mark in Michigan in Late July 2015 Received back November 23rd unsigned but along with a letter and an older 8x10 signed by Mr. Hamill, very surprised looks legit. Used address in database Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480

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Mark Hamill - Success? - 2015年11月24日
Today I got a reply from the Mark Hamill International Fan Club, even though I sent it to the address on the data base. I sent it on the 22/11/13 and received it back 24/11/15 just over two years later! I got a letter saying he is busy but he has left a load of personally signed pictures for fans with the signed picture, and my two plaques were returned. I'm not an expert and fairly new to autograph collecting so happy to have your opinions on whether it's real or an auto pen/sec, it's definitely not a print. Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA

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Mark Hamill SUCCESS! - 2015年11月22日
It's been almost two years but I finally got one from Mark Hamill! <img src= Sent letter and photo and self-addressed envelope way back on January 2014, and got it today September 21, 2015! There was a letter with it saying Hamill is not signing things people send to him because he's too busy, but that he left a pile of photos signed for the fans. I used the address in the database back in the day (still seems to be the same): Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480

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Mark Hamill Failure - 2014年7月21日
Wrote to Mark Hamill (along with the entire Star Wars cast) in the U.K., on location, and received my photos back unsigned and with a letter stating they are busy with filming and cannot sign. I sent 3 photos on 6/21/2014, along with a SASE (using U.K. stamps) and typed letter, and received back on 7/19/2014. The address I used was: "Star Wars: Episode VII" Pinewood Studios Pinewood Road Iver Heath Buckinghamshire SL0 0NH UK Note: I sent a letter (and photos + SASE) to each actor individually, but received all of these photos back, together, in one envelope. - -

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Mark Hamill Success - 2013年6月13日
Sent: November 21st, 2012 SAE, LOR, 2 dollars. Received: June 13th, 2013 A beautiful photo! Address used: The one in the database. Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA - -

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