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Mark Hamillの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 8ページ):

Mark Hamill Pre-Print - 2016年1月17日
1/16/16 - I also received a pre print from Mark Hamill today. Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA

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Mark Hamill - Pre-Print - 2016年1月16日
I sent to his fan mail address on 11.23.15 and received this back today with my sent items... I guess he ran out of pre-signed photos already.

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Mark Hamill fail pre print - 2016年1月16日
Sent letter blank autograph card and SASE about a month ago got a PP and a letter saying thanks here's a PP on 1-16-16. Used fan club address that's on the note.

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Mark Hamill SUCCESS! - 2016年1月8日
Sent: LOR, SASE, & 2 Comic Books on 12.4.15 Received: on 1.8.16

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Mark Hamill Amazing Success! - 2015年11月24日
I am so thrilled about this! I never thought Mark Hamill would reply and that it would take such little time! It's HAMILL himself!!! I wrote Mark to his home about a month or two ago, I sent a LOR + SAE + picture + money for postage. Plus, I got a letter from his son! So awesome! I received my picture signed and personalized in my SAE + the money I sent! THIS IS GREAT! SUPER happy with this as I am a long time Star Wars fan. Address used: home address.

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