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Mark Hamillの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 8ページ):

Mark Hamill Success - 2012年7月15日
I had a great success today. I sent a letter to Mark Hamill on 6/21/12 and recieved it back on 7/14/12. He sent me a picture, a letter and a comic information book. I think it is original because of the way it looks and it feels like it is on top of the picture and not part of it. Can anyone help and let me know. I am still happy no matter what. I used the address in the database. Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA -

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Mark Hamill PP SUCCESS! - 2012年6月11日
On 4/12/12, I wrote Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker in original Star Wars films) with a TTM autograph request, enclosing SSAE and 3x5 card for signing. Got his reply today, 6/11/12, with my 3x5 returned, unsigned, with a PP b/w 4x6 photo and note explaining why he doesn't answer TTM requests any longer. Address used was in the fanmail.biz database and is below. Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480

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Mark Hamill SUCCESS - 2012年2月23日
On November 7, 2011, I mailed a drawing to Mark Hamill. It was signed and returned on December 17, 2011; 40 days later. I used the address in the data base: PO Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480

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