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Rhonda Flemingの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 7ページ):

Rhonda Fleming RTS - 2019年8月2日
I wrote to Ms. Fleming on 06/23/2019 and my pictures were returned unsigned on 08/01/2019 They wrote on the envelope No Longer Signs Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 http://surfmypictures.com/image/5fa7624085ffb74f/3kyf7.html

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Rhonda Fleming.. Actress No Longer Signing - 2017年10月27日
Rhonda Fleming (born August 10, 1923) is an American film/television actress and singer. She acted in more than forty films, mostly in the 1940s and 1950s, and became renowned as one of the most glamorous actresses of her day. She was nicknamed the "Queen of Technicolor" because her fair complexion and flaming red hair photographed exceptionally well in Technicolor. Sent her 2 photos to sign for me on 20 Oct to the address in the database.. on 27 Oct I received my photos back, unsigned and a printed note that said....Regretfully, Ms Fleming is no longer signing autographs. Likewise, she is no longer selling and/or accepting autograph requests via her website.. Thank you for your understanding. She is delighted to learn you're a fan... and I extend her thanks for your lovely sentiments and warmest best wishes to you and all God's richest blessing in the years to come Sincerely Carla, asst

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Rhonda Fleming - refusing - 2016年7月24日
Rhonda Fleming refusing letter <img src= <img src= <img src= sent a letter (+envelope and postal stamps) one month ago : Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 USA and received today <img src=

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Rhonda Fleming success - 2015年9月15日
Rhonda Fleming success Sent : 28/08/15 Received : 15/09/15 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mrs.Rhonda Fleming Rhonda Fleming 10281 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Rhonda Fleming success - 2014年10月21日
Sent LOR SASE and photos x 3...2 and 1/2 weeks ago. I got them all back, today. I didnt notice to begin with Rhonda Fleming didnt use my stamped envelope. Cut my return sticker off and put on a new envelope and her stamps....mine got damaged maybe? Plus a little piece of cardboard. -

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