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Jim Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 13ページ):

Jim Davis Success - 2012年10月14日
Signature: Jim Davis Address Used: J.Davis C/O PAWS INC 5440-E CO. ROAD ALBANY, INDIANA 47320 Sent: 9-26-2012 Received: 10-12-2012 (16 days) Photo 1: - Photo 2: - Envelope: -

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Jim Davis SUCCESS - 2012年9月26日
I sent a comic strip from my newspaper along with a self-addressed envelope, and a letter, to him on September 17, and I recieved the comic back signed by him on September 26. The address I used is.. Jim Davis c/o Paws Inc 5440-E. Co. Rd. 450N Albany, Indiana 47320 Here is a picture of the comic strip and the envelope, the strip is signed in the top middle panel... http://troysautographs.webs.com/apps/ph ... =166487622 -

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Jim Davis (Garfield) Success - 2012年9月9日
Sent LOR photo and SASE via Paws Inc (database). took about 2 weeks: -

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Jim Davis great Success! - 2012年8月15日
Today I got a success from Jim Davis. Extremely pleased with this, dont usually post my successes but had to this time. I sent a letter with a return envelope and $3 Sent on 2nd August, received 15th August Got back a printed letter, An autograph and my $3!! He is a great hero of of mine so Im ecstatic. Photo with envelope: -

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Jim Davis (Garfield) Success! - 2012年7月21日
I sent an lor ONLY to Mr. Davis, and I got back this signed note page thing lol. Jim Davis c/o Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450N Albany, IN 47320 USA Sent-6/30/12 Received-7/18/12 Total-18 Days Photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/75862678 at N ... otostream/ Envelope http://www.flickr.com/photos/75862678 at N ... otostream/

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Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$
Chris Nilan Nhl Dns $$$
Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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