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Jim Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 13ページ):

Garfield creator Jim Davis success - 2017年1月22日
Creator of Garfield. mailed photo 3-12-16 received signed 4-20-16 used: c/o Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450 N. Albany, IN 47320

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Jim Davis (Garfield) success - 2016年12月31日
Hi everyone! Yesterday i received my pic signed by Jim Davis. I sent my request on 10/13/2016 I used the address in database.

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Jim Davis Success - 2016年5月14日
Sent: LOR, SASE, 2 9x11 comic pages. Received: Both comic pages back signed in my SASE. Dates: Sent: 4/25/16 Received: 5/13/16 Address used: Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450 N. Albany, IN 47320

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Jim Davis Success - 2016年3月10日
I hate Mondays ;)<!-- s;) -->

I send a letter to this adress
Jim Davis
Paws, Inc.
5440 E County Road 450 N
Albany, IN 47320-9728

And after some weeks i get back a letter and this signed picture.

</td><tr><td style=

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Jim Davis Success - 2016年3月4日
Hello today I received an autographed photo from Garfield comic strip cartoonist Jim Davis. I sent out a LOR, SASE to the Paws INC. address on 2/13/16. Received 8x10 signed photo on 3/3/16. This one is for my mom for her birthday and I don't think she wants her name in here so I black out her name.

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