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Jim Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (12 / 13ページ):

Jim Davis Success - 2012年2月10日
I collect autographs and I havn't been doing TTM autographs for very long. I thought it would be fun to draw my own pictures for celebrities to sign. Any pictures that I draw are obviously be related to an animated film, TV show, or comic. Here is a picture I drew that I sent to Jim Davis (creator of the "Garfield" comics). I sent it around early to mid January 2012, and it took about 2 weeks to recieve it. Here is the link: I'm new to posting in this forum, so please tell me if the link works.

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Jim Davis Success! - 2012年1月15日
On January 9th, I got my index card back in the mail, signed by Jim Davis, creator of Garfield. In addition to signing my index card, he also signed the form letter he includes with every request. The address I used was Jim Davis, c/o Paws Inc, 5440 E. Co. Rd 450N, Albany, IN 47320. The request was sent on December 24, 2011 (16 days total). Here is the index card: http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/5600 ... iscard.jpg Here is the letter: http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/7097/j ... letter.jpg Here is the return envelope: http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/3735 ... velope.jpg Happy Hunting! - The Hancock Hunter (http://hancockhunter.blogspot.com/)

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jim davis (garfield) success! - 2011年8月29日
today i got my garfield comic strip back signed by jim davis,the guy who makes em. i sent tothis addy-jim davis c/o paws inc 5440E.Co.RD.450N albany,IN 47320 USA im really happy with this one.it took bout 7 weeks to get back.

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"GARFIELD" Jim Davis success - 2011年6月14日
Sent email to creator of "Garfield" http://pressroom.garfield.com/jim_bio/ about 2 months ago.Didnt really expect to get anything back but yeserday 6/13/11 received a letter signed and a postcard with garfield and odie signed.Awesome addition to my collection. - Letter reads: Thank you for your wonderful letter.Im delighted you enjoy GARFIELD and thank you for following his daily antics. Ive enclosed an autographed print that I hope you will enjoy. KEEP READING THE STRIP!GARFIELD and I will do our best to keep you entertained. Sincerely Jim Davis

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Jim Davis (Garfield) - 2011年5月26日
Jim Davis is the Illustrator of Garfield. I love the show a lot better than the comic strip. I watched the show a lot as a kid. I loved his reaction to poor odie. I got his reply in the mail today along with another movie I had ordered so im happy. Address: Jim Davis C/o Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450N Albany, IN 47320 Sent: LOR, index card, SASE on May 13, 2011 Received: Color 8x10, signed and dedicated. Form letter. May 26, 2011 - -

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