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Jim Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 13ページ):

Jim Davis! - 2014年1月13日
Sent this to the address in database. Sent a notecard and received a photo and letter. Jim Davis Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450N Albany, IN 47320 USA link: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Sent -12-18-13 Received 1-13-14

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Jim Davis Success! - 2014年1月6日
SEND: 10.14.2013 RECEIVE:12.24.2013 I LOVE GARFIELD SO MUCH SO IT IS A HONOR TO GET THE ENCOURAGEMENT FROM HIS CREATOR! I used the fanmail address Fan Mail Address: Jim Davis c/o Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450N Albany, IN 47320 USA PICTURE LINK: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Jim Davis SUCCESS - 2013年10月21日
Sent letter SASE and photo on 10/11 received a signed photo of his own today! - Mr. Jim Davis c/o Paws, Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd. 450N Albany, IN 47320

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Jim Davis success - 2013年9月5日
Sent LoR, DVD covers, SAE, and return postage to address in database on Aug 1, received Sept 5. -

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Jim Davis Success? (Authenticity Question-- PICTURE ADDED) - 2013年8月19日
I sent a small picture and LOR + SASE to Jim Davis to the address in the database, and got a letter saying that he couldnt sign my picture, and that he enclosed a replacement. - Anyone know if these replacements are authentic or PPs? I have heard some say authentic and some say PP, so Im curious. Looking forward to your responses!

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