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Jim Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 13ページ):

Jim Davis success! - 2013年6月2日
I drew 2 drawing of Garfield and Odie and mailed to Jim Davis. The address I used was Jim Davis c/o Paws Inc. 5440 E. Co. Rd 450 N. Albany, Ny. 47320 mailed : may 14 2013 returned with autograph: may 31 2013 autograph 1 : this one says "Pepper - Keep up the good work." Jim Davis - autograph 2 : this one says " Great Job Pepper. Jim Davis - envelope: He was nice enough to pay extra postage for me. -

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Jim Davis Success - 2013年4月9日
Received back a signed photo and a letter from Jim Davis, the creator of Garfield. I sent my own photo but it was sent back along unsigned. Sent on 3/20/13 and received back 4/5/13. Sent to: Jim Davis C/O Paws Inc 5440 E Co Rd 450N Albany, IN 47320 -

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Jim Davis - TTM - 2nd Success! - 2013年3月12日
Sent a couple of Garfield & Friends DVD Covers to Jim Davis. They came back signed yesterday. I used the address in the database. - -

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JIM DAVIS (Garfield/Orson's Farm) SUCCESS! - 2013年3月5日
- Sent a SASE, LOR, and a photo print out of Garfield, and another of Orson. Jim Davis signed both, and personalized Orson for my G/F. Used Address in Database. <img src= [us<!-- s[us -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= Sent: 2/14/2013 Received: 3/4/2013 - -

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Jim Davis success?(father of Garfield) - 2013年3月2日
Received after 1,5 month Address used from DATABASE My photos returned INSIGNEG - it is authentic !??? Thanx Regards from Russia Cheers. Nik.

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